Tuesday, January 5, 2010


Well, so far our roommate has been great. It has been only recently that I have realized that there are small problems that may hurt our friendship.

For one, she eats...a lot! Our monthly grocery bill, which was about 200, was used up within a week! That would have lasted Daddy, Mommy, and Conner a month! Anyway, that is not really the big problem. She eats, yes, but she replaces what she eats, mostly. The problem comes in when I go into the bathroom to take a shower and there is dried puke all over the tub. Not only is she eating all of our food, but she is puking it up and then NOT CLEANING IT! I understand the vomiting, because everyone has health issues, and this is one that Daddy suffers too, but I don't understand leaving it there to have someone else clean!

Another problem is that she is doing all of my chores, which I admit I don't like to do and I appreciate her doing them, but she doesn't know where anything goes, and so she just sticks things everywhere. I will go looking for a glass for something to drink, and I find them, not in the glass cabinet, but with the plates and the bowls. I will go looking for my flat grill, and I find it, not above the refridgerator, but below the pantry! It is very upsetting to have my home turned upside down, but at least she helps with the bills. We need that help. We can't afford anything on our own.

Lastly, she is never here. It upsets me that she is living here and I don't know what she is out doing into all hours of the night. I know that I am not her mother, but it is my house and I don't want her coming home while I am sleeping, high, with my baby sleeping in the next room. I don't know if she gets high, but I know she drinks, and that is one rule I set up early: no drinking with Conner around.

I don't know how well this roommate thing is going to go, but I have to try. She is a great person, but until she gets used to living here, I can't get onto her for putting my things in the wrong place. I have to teach her, or at least tell her and remind her several times before I get really upset. Anyway, I hope that the food issue is worked out quickly, because I hate waking up and finding that Conner has no breakfast because it has been eaten by the only other person in the house who eats them: her.

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