Friday, March 19, 2010

Obama: History in the Making

Ok, I know that Obama is our President, and I will respect him if for no other reason. However, I cannot stand by and watch our government and its history go down the toilet. Obama is going to be in the history books as long as our society is to exist, but I have to say this: He should NOT be! I understand that he is the first black president to be elected into office, and I understand that he is making our counrty go to shit (pardon the french), but the former is no reason to put him automatically into the history books; the latter is proof of that! Just look what he is doing to a country (a great country) that was already falling into the john; he just pushes us farther and farther in! I have to say that I am not much for politics: actually, I can't stand them and I see no reason for them to exist, but they do. I do not understand the "fancy" terms that these greedy and corupt politicians use, and I feel no need to know; I don't listen anyway. But I have to say, that if Obama leads our country down this road much longer, much farther, we will be in such trouble that we will have to sell the entire country to China! They own enough of us as it is! Why are we just sitting by watching it happen? I don't know about you, but I dream of the All-American family: My husband, me and our TWO children, raising them the best way we know how, and growing old together with our FOUR grandchildren. I want that! I do not want to be owned by a government who placed reproductive restrictions on its people. Granted, I do not yet have that second little baby, but I want her; more than I care to admit. I want that happy family, and if Obama puts us deeper into this whole of dung, I am not sure I would fulfill this dream. I don't want to bring another child into this world if I cannot give her the life that I want her to have; Obama is making this dream a fantasy! He should not be put in our History books except for the fact that he was president (hopefully for only one term). I think, I hope, and I pray that our country has realized its mistake about electing such a horrid leader. Maybe next time, they will not be so eager to elect someone because of his/her skin color! Ironically, this is the true reason Obama was elected. His politics suck, his words are heavily bought, and his ideas are crap! And yet, he was elected to rule a country that he does not have the strength or the balls to run! (Sorry: I get a little foul and vulgar when I am upset) He is trying, and I will give him that, but honestly, I would have rather had Hillary in office over this vulture. All he is doing is sitting back in that White House on the hill, watching his country go to pot. Maybe he is doing it on purpose? For all we know, HE could be a terrorist! We do not know anything about him and his life except that which the government feels it is "safe" or "necessary" to let us know! Hell, for that matter, maybe all government officials are terrorists! I don't know! But back to my original purpose: just because Obama is black is no reason to put him up on a pedestal for the generations to come to this country. Heck, if we as a country want equallity, for all men, women, white, black, asian, whatever...maybe we need to consider the fact that there are bad sides to it! And not getting fame and fortune for reaching a point that 35 or so other people have reached is one of them! As to Obama himself...He can kiss my little white tookus!