Tuesday, May 25, 2010

A Mother's Life

Well, school was let out a week or so ago, and now I have nothing to fill my time. Only a couple nights ago I was in the biggest cleaning mood that I think I have ever been in: I cleaned the kitchen with vinegar and water, on my hands and knees, scrubbing every lousy stain off of the floor. I did the same to the dining room and I actually removed the paint stains that have been there since we redid the dining room a year and a half ago. I also got the paint stains from the previous owner's of the house off of the floor! I was amazed that something so cheap and chemical free would remove something like that! I love that my kitchen/dining is so clean now...it has never been this deeply cleaned before as far as I know. I did the same procedure in the bathroom, with every hard surface: the tub, the sink, the toilet, the floor and even the walls. Sadly, I forgot about the entryway, so it's not clean. I did several loads of dishes, as well as washed many of them by hand just for the sake of doing something. I even did three loads of laundry on top of finishing the seven I already had started. I emptied out the spare bedroom, so now there is nothing (visible) in there except for the furniture and the little nick-nacks that finish off the look of the room. I need to empty out my bedroom, but with all of Daddy's stuff in there, I don't think it is ever going to happen; it's bad enough that I have to live with and look at the stuff everyday...I really don't want to go through it just to find out that none of it works! I really need a vacation. I also went through Conner's closet and got rid of several outfits that were too small and made room for all of the big boy clothes that we have now. I even left a space open for our new pull-ups. My baby's getting so big! I even cleaned out my closet. Granted, I did not get rid of anything, but I did remove several things from it so that I could have "more" hangers. My house is nearly spotless. I only wish that I could keep it that way, but with two boys, it is never going to happen.

Today I went shopping. I didn't waste any money, but I bought several things that I know we will use but don't necessarily need. I bought Conner his first package of pull-ups, which we will use on occasion while we go through potty training. I even bought some more vinegar so that I can try to keep the stove top clean: I never thought I would get the burned on food off of it, but I just left some vinegar to soak on it and came back to scrub. I scrub just as much as I do when I use Fantastic, but the vinegar removed nearly 99% more than the chemicals did! I was amazed! I will now not buy unnecessary chemicals: I will use vinegar and water! It is so much cheaper and a thousand times healthier for my little man. I also bought more diapers. They have a new package now that is only 5 dollars more but the box has nearly double the amount of diapers in it. I was thrilled! I also bought some S.O.S pads, but they weren't what I wanted, so I don't know what I am going to do. I think I should return them, but now that they are opened, I am not sure Wal-Mart will let me. I also bought a new OxiClean product. Apparently, Daddy uses an entire tub of OxiClean on only 15 loads of his laundry. Mommy is putting a stop to this. I bought these little OxiClean packets that have just enough detergent in them, and for even less than half of the price of a tub of OxiClean, I got ten packets! That means that I will have to buy four of the packet bags, giving me 40 loads, in order to exceed the price of the tub, giving me only 15! I love saving money!

I also decided that I need new gardening supplies. My rake is broken, and I tried to buy a new one, but Daddy put it back on the rack and I didn't notice until we got home and I went looking for it. He did buy me something; I can't remember what it is called, but I can guarantee that it does not get the job done! I also need to buy more plants because the homegrown ones didn't live long enouht to be transplanted. Growing plants in our dining room right before spring was not the best idea. We tried to keep them alive and healthy, but then I had a Botany project that I used them for. I lugged all of the plants to school and then back and I think it sent the roots into shock, so shortly thereafter, all of them were dead. I did plant more seeds though, and we will see what happens. I guess I better go pick up my little man right now. It is nearly 4 and that is when I am normally already there.

God Bless America.

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