Thursday, January 14, 2010

Gilmore Girls Rant

Well, I have to admit that I am absolutely upset about the Gilmore Girls ending. I know I started this yesterday, but I need to talk about Conner yesterday.'s all Gilmore Girls.

I love Lauren Graham and Alexis Bledel. They create such a feeling when you watch them that no one can help but love them. I honestly think that in Alexis's new movie, Post Grad, Lauren Graham should have been cast as her mother. I am assuming that the lady (who also plays the "evil stepmother" in Another Cindarella Story) is supposedly her mother, but that is just not right. I cannot picture one without the other anymore. I love nearly every episode; why did they ever end the show? I don't like it! I want the girls back! I am lacking two seasons, and I don't like the fact that I can watch all the way through season three, but I can't watch 4 or 5, but then I can jump to 6 and 7. I'm currently upset. We need something; we need to know what happened to the Gilmore Girls. People call me crazy for caring, because they are not real people, but I grew to love the story. I want to see Sookie's third baby. I want to know what happens between Lorelai and Luke. I want to know where Rory's career takes her. I want to know if Rory and Logan get back together. I want to know...everything! Do Luke and Lorelai finally realize that they were meant to be and get married? Does Rory realize that Logan was meant for her, admit her mistake, and try to get him back? How was Rory's trip following Obama? Did it end when he started his (hopefully short) career as President? Where did she go? Does she ever get hired by the New York Times? What happens to Lane and Zach's sons? What happens with Dean? What about Jess? Does he sell a lot of copies of his book? What about April? Where does she end up going to college? Speaking of April...did anyone realize that Anna is also Jess's father's girlfriend out in California in Season 3? Anyway, what happens with Paris and Doyle? Do they get married? Does Paris become a surgen? Or does she change her mind and go to law school? Does she get both degrees? What happens to Richard? Does he live much longer? After all, he's had two heart attacks. What about Emily? Does she ever learn how to work a computer? What of Christopher? And Georgia (aka Gigi)? Do they ever get back in touch with the Gilmores? What about the Dragonfly? Does Lorelai take her mother's advice and add a spa or tennis courts (I doubt it, but I still want to know)? So many questions! And I have more, I just feel like moving on.

Personally, I think Rory, even as a character, was stupid for turning Logan away. I don't care that Lorelai tells her that someday she will meet someone and won't want to hesitate; she should have married Logan. Did they not have enough episodes left to pull off a wedding? Maybe not, but even still, they should have added something to the end that told us what happened to everyone and where their lives led them. Short and sweet if they wanted, but I want to know what happened to them. Even though, if they were real, they wouldn't have lived their lives yet, at least not to the end. After all, it has only been a couple of years since the show ended.

Well, I have ranted enough for now. I'll rant more later. Right now I need to go get Conner out of his high-chair...I don't think he's eating anymore...just playing.

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